Monday, November 15, 2010

Medical Marijuana Lawyer

21 apps in the hopper with the Health Department:

It will be a "matter of weeks" before a decision is made.  As I stated in a previous post, at least one and up to three compassion centers are slated to be sanctioned by the Health Department.  This ProJo article states unequivocally that three centers will be licensed.  Did I miss something (in all seriousness)?  Has the state decided to allow three compassion centers regardless?  Does this have to do with the additional applications?  Unless there has been some offical word on the number of licenses to be awarded, I'm still going with the under on this one.  Best of luck to the applicants. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Medical Marjuana Lawyer

Overzealous growers, or is there more to it?  It seems that a concern among the general public regarding the decriminalization of marijuana and its use for medicinal purposes is the drug winding up in the hands of those who are not part of the state medical program.  Paranoia?  I think not.  This seems to be a valid position.  Look at some of the examples in this article:

People are growing well beyond their allotted personal quota under the state law.  This begs the question (legitimate or not) whether the marijuana is being grown for personal consumption or personal profit.  Where is all the weed going?  My guess is that its being sold to fund the growing.